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Digital Slide & Short Film Presentations

In days gone by, we used  various sizes of cine film to record everyday life. The first amateur films were made on 16mm stock, then came 9.5mm followed by 8mm and then finally Super 8mm, before videotape became widely available to amateurs in the latter part of the 20th Century. One outstanding film that tells the story of the rise and fall of the 9.5mm format is entitled "9.5mm Lights Out", and we hope to feature an extract later in 2019.

The first film we are showcasing is one made in 1980 on Super 8mm colour filmstock, and was taken in and around the railway level crossing at Uckfield, East Sussex. It was completely re-edited in 2006 for that years Wealden Line Campaign AGM, and shows how the Uckfield townscape has changed since the cutback of the line and abandonment of the original Uckfield Station site to allow unhindered access for road users.

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